Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Ways to Bring Your Family to the Table Get Everyone Involved

Make your kids part of the process. Get them to help with:
·         the shopping
·          the planning
·         prepare meals together

Nutritionists believe children are more likely to eat something they have made some decisions about.  Steering them in the right direction is always left to you. Find children's cookbooks that offer kid-friendly recipes and easy-to-do cooking lessons.

Plant A Garden
It's never too late to get your children excited about gardening. This spring/summer start a new family project that promises to be dirty and fun for everyone. Choose sweet-tasting produce to start like sweet cherry tomatoes, strawberries, corn, or baby peas growing, then harvest them. Keep in mind, young taste buds tend to be far more sensitive than adults. Some kids have a very strong negative reaction to bitter flavours like spinach, brussel sprouts, and asparagus.

Make it a Date

When dealing with older children, invite them to dinner formally!  Make a date with your child.  Make their special/favourite meal and set the mood of the room, whether it’s at the dinner table, picnic style inside or outside, lighting the room with candles. 

Set a Schedule

Can’t schedule a regular dinner time due other activities, or work set a time aside at another time?  Make your family meal breakfast, lunch or a larger snack mid day.  Once in the routine make it a part of your everyday schedule.

Throw in Some Laughs

Your kids aren’t interested in helping with the meal.  The key is not to make them feel pressured by the experience.  If they don’t want to help, that’s okay, allow them to sit, watch and talk with you during this time.  When time comes for eating, let them knw that jokes are allowed.  They are the ice-breakers to more intense conversations.

Don’t worry if you get off to a bumpy start; give everyone time to adjust to the new routine.  Time spent together is always time well spent.  If you focus on the fun, they will come.

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