Sunday, August 19, 2012

Autism Outreach Parent/Caregiver Workshop

The Ministry for Children and Family Development (MCFD) is hosting an Autism Outreach Parent/Caregiver Workshop in Campbell River on December 13-14, 2012: Royal Canadian Legion: 301-11th Avenue.

The Parent/Caregiver Workshops are part of the second phase of the Autism Outreach Program and will focus on rural and remote communities across the province. The goal of the workshops is to improve access for families to research-based information and resources on autism and interventions/treatments for children and youth with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). These workshops are open to parents and caregivers only, however, families may invite a member of their child’s intervention team to join them. Each workshop will be conducted by a professional in the area of autism and will be held over two full days during school hours. For more detailed information, please visit here and look to the right hand side of the page.

While there is no cost for the workshop, you must be registered to attend. Registration; for the workshops scheduled for September and October is available online here. For workshops occurring from November 2012-March 2013, registration will be open on the same website in mid-September.

1 comment:

  1. Are there any other parents who follow this blog or are a part of Campbell River Area Family Network, who have children with Sensory Processing Disorder?
